Monday, August 8, 2011

Crafts and Pursuit

These past few weeks have been hugely busy! That really isn't a problem though - I enjoy being busy. If you didn't remember, I did get a job as an Instructor at Michaels Craft store. I teach knitting and crochet.

I've been working on some commissions and suggestions, and that was one of the reasons I decided to update - because I wanted to ask the people who follow this blog - what do YOU want to see me make?

What ever you suggest I will try to make and post if here - if you decide you wish to buy it, then it will be on Etsy.

Another thing I've been working on is NaNoWriMo. My novel is titled Pursuit this time about and it centralizes around a guy who is trying to get the custody of his daughter and take care of his sister. There is a twist however - his father is a drug lord and the police are constantly breathing down their necks. Its pretty fun, but it's in the starting stages, only a couple of chapters in.

While I get to give a synopsis, most of my story is going to be under wraps until I finish it and can find someone to help me with the overall working of my plot, story and characters. '

Besides writing and crocheting, the store I get my yarn at now sells fabric (lol, Wal-mart?)! They took the fabric section out a while back, but they have it again, so I'm pretty stoked. Once I get paid I'm going fabric shopping xD

Updates with actual crafts soon! :D
Have a nice day, guys! Until next time.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

NaNoWriMo, among other things.

Hello everyone!

If you've been following NaNoWriMo or anything else, you would know about Camp NaNoWriMo this month and next. That is what I have been working on for the last few weeks. It getting a bit stressful to say the least.

I've staggered in my word count because after I finish a point in my story I find a better way to write it, so I'll be re-writing an entire section of my story soon, so I'll have to up my daily word count to catch back up and finish on time.

Besides that, I've been crafting a little bit. I managed to finish a present for one of my friends for his birthday. I uploaded it to my deviantart, since Blogspot changed their image program and I honestly don't understand it. It's being really odd and not working for me lately.

Here's the link:

Have a nice day, guys!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Etsy Listings!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Etsy and Chess

Its been a few days since I updated this, and I wanted to give everyone an update on my chess blanket. I've been working on this blanket for a couple of months (I started it in the beginning of March), and now I'm so close to being done it's insane! 

This is half the blanket folded in half. I've only got 16 more squares to complete! Which is really exciting, because this was done really fast compared to the last blanket I did which took 6 months. However, it might be a little delayed because I start working next month and school the month after! 

If you want to get updates on chess earlier, you might want to follow me on Twitter. ^^ I normally post my Etsy links there when I list a new item. 

That's the next thing - I've decided to make an Etsy Account. So, if you have one, add me to your circle ♥ 

I've been doing a lot of crocheting lately - my friend asked me to make her some octopus when she has money, but she asked for a same. Here it is! I really don't have enough room for him in my mass of stuff though, so if you know someone who might want him, head over to my etsy to buy it.

Also - if you would like a commission from me, please email me and check out my dA Gallery for more stuff. 

I hope everyone has a good day! ♥

Friday, June 17, 2011

Pillow Project!

So, I've been doing a lot of little projects in between my chess blanket. Right now, it's in the form of pillows. These pillows like to have intricate designs though. I've got 2 fronts and one completed pillow so far. The first pillow I did was the flag of the Principality of Sealand (smallest nation in the world!)

The second was of the German Flag, which I made because that's where my mother is from and therefore, I have roots there. And my best friend is German. So, I had lots of reasons to do this one. It's not finished yet (sadsad! I really have to get to finishing it.)

The most recent one is this one! I nerded all over the place. Oh sweet Nostalgia ~ Yep, Pokemon. Omanyte. Fossils. Mmm~ ♥ Yeah, this one will probably be done before the German Flag pillow simply because it's more engaging. Its 6 different colours. I would definitely do it differently if I did it again, but I'm happy with it for now. ^^

Yay - look forward to more pillows! I'm excited to keep doing them :D

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Littlest Bishop

In a previous post I said I didn't know how to do the bishop yet. I did have a drawn out version on a chart, but for how I was going, I needed an outline of the bishop. Here's how I decided to do it - simply take the solid square and crochet the outline of it.

Here's the solid:

Isn't it cute? I think this is my favorite piece so far. This also means I only have 39 more squares to do :D Yess~ *cheers*

Here's the other Rook Row (in two pieces)
Also! Just as an update, I've moved deviantart accounts. I'm now Humble-Stitches - also, more Convention information will be up on both my youtube and here soon enough.

See you soon!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Let's Play Chess!

So, I've been working on my Chess blanket. It's become the forefront of my projects and I've just passed the 25% mark, which is fantastic. i'll be invading the Netflix library for things to watch while I'm crocheting. Hopefully I can finish it before my summer break ends, since I really don't want to lug that big thing to class just to see if everything is consistent!

That shouldn't be hard though. I just have to do one square a day for the next 47 days (which is how many squares I have left) and I'll still have almost a month before classes start up again. That's actually pretty exciting, considering sometimes I can work up the brainpower to do more than one square in a day.

This is the newest square. Yep, I've gone to the opposite side of the blanket! Why? Because I have no idea how to do a Bishop that's the same color as the square it's on. Sad, I know, but it works, kinda.

I'm really looking forward to the completed blanket. It'll be pretty awesome, but I think I need more black yarn! Oh noes. Either way, I'll be going to the store in the next month sometime. If I do run out of black, I can just make the rest of the blank white panels.

On another note, I can't go to any Cons this year, so I'll be missing out. I still haven't been to my first con. ): Next year, I'm going to try though. I'll be attempted to get an Artist's Alley slot or slots, depending on how many I can go to. I'll be selling Mochi Hetalia Characters, Hats, Crocheted Keychains, and some other things. I'll update this blog and maybe my deviantart with more details on those! I'm getting my cosplay things ready for the Cons and I'll let you know who I decide I'll be for those.

There's more information on my Youtube!

That's all I really wanted to update. I'll see you guys later!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Work in Progress (Crafts!)

Portal, Companion Cube Blanket. This is the first square. It's being done in 6 pieces and will be about 7ft by 7ft in. I've been doing this one on and off since I got the yarn for it. I don't know how long it'll take, but it should be done before the year is out (here's to hope!).

A part of my Chess blanket. The row starting with the knight needs a pawn piece and then that row of eight will be done. This blanket is being done in 64 pieces and will be a bit bigger than 7ft by 7ft after the border is done.

 Russia Cosplay scarf. It's going to be around 20ft long and it's 1ft wide. This one is my newest project, but I'm making good time I think.
 Blanket. Another one. Granny squares this time, and yes, I do them completely out of order. The tails aren't woven in and I'm not sure if I want to make this a large blanket or keep in a baby blanket. Help?
A coat for my niece. It'll be button-down with a hood. I just haven't started the hood yet and I haven't finished the sleeve. It should be done soon, though, and it will definitely be done before winter. 

 The starts of a baby blanket. It'll be 3ft by 3ft, so it can be used for a while as the child grows.

Hats and Booties. These aren't done, I'm making a set with a jacket and everything. I just wanted to make the booties. xD; I dunno what I'll do with these yet.

Mr Saturn. He needs feet and two of his whiskers and his hair+bow.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Puppy Update and Current Project List

In a previous post, I told you about my two adorable puppies. Unfortunately, not everything has been a bed of roses lately. When I headed to the beach, the puppies were left with my mother. She called us on the way there and old us that Little Roxy had Parvo.

She's on heavy antibiotics right now and she's doing pretty well. Raleigh has to have more Parvo Boosters so she doesn't get it.

Otherwise, I've been working on a few things. I'll put pictures and sniplets up soon! List Time!

Current Projects (Writing):
• Hammers and Strings (Hetalia) - General Fanfiction, America & Canada Centric; Oneshot
• War and Balance (Hetalia) - Japan/Romano; Germany/Veneziano; Multi-Chapter

Current Projects (Craft):
• Hetalia Mochis: England, Japan,
• Chess Blanket
• Portal Blanket
• Baby Things: Coat, Blanket -- more stuff will be added later.
• Russia Scarf

I'll post pictures up soon of my various craft works in progress.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


I made a video about this a few hours ago, but I decided I needed to make a blog post as well, since the video wasn't quite up to the standard of what I expected, especially since my voice is super scratchy from being ill and stressed and tired - if you still want to check it out, my Youtube is Mr Seaki.

This is the scarf so far. I have no idea how wide it'll be, honestly, since the length of the needles are 13 inches and it's pretty pressed in there.

Needles: Size 10 US or 6.00mm
Yarn: Redheart Supersaver Buff (0334)

I'll have another picture and video in a week. Wish me luck, especially since next Thrusday (which is the day I'm counting as the starting day) will be in the midst of Hell Week!

Sea Out~

Mochi Madness

Lately, I've been watch the Hetalia - Axis Powers and World Series anime. Yeah, I was sucked in so harshly. It's pretty insane. This stems from the fact that I adore learning about the histories of different areas and my interest in different languages and cultures. While it's not the most ideal place to look at History, there are some amazing fanfics that delve deeply into relations between countries and I believe it's brought many people and cultures together and aids in understanding. My favorite series delves into Russian/American history - you can find it here [The Chosen End].

I'm not that much of a fangirl! Can you tell? xD; Since I'm a blatant liar when I say I'm not a fangirl, I've been making Mochi plushies (that I'm selling if you're interested) because they're cute and pretty easy to make. 

Here's a stack of Mochi!Characters~

From top to bottom: Gilbird, Prussia (Gilbert), North Italy/Italia Veneziano (Feliciano), and America (Alfred).  Yep. Three of my favorite characters. Find individual pictures of them my deviantArt's Mochi Gallery. I've got a blank Mochi that I'll probably make into England (Arthur). Mostly because I want to make a top-hat. 

Look forward to my Portal blanket and my chess blanket - I should have something up about those soon~ Maybe (probably) pictures~ I should probably go do my French homework now. 

Sea Out. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Stressful Day

Today, like any day, would seem pretty normal. You know - wake up, get dressed, and head to campus. Being a college student, this is extremely normal. However, I woke up and things just snowballed to hell. I don't even know why today was stressful, but I just didn't want to exist today. I'm hoping it'll be better tomorrow, since I have a mid-week break (in which I will utilize doing my French homework. Quiz there Friday - better not forget that!)

The stressful part of my day was when I came home. I have two puppies - Raleigh and Roxie. They're beautiful girls, but skittish. Roxie isn't keeping food down, though, and I don't know what is wrong with her. We tried bland dog-food and bits of non-seasoned, boiled chicken breast, but she threw that up too.

I hope Roxie will be fine, though. She's such a darling little puppy, but she's already so thin and on top of that isn't getting much nutrition since she keeps vomiting and such. I should probably take her to the vet...

I don't know what to do.

Finals are coming up soon. I only have a week left of class, and the teachers are trying to shove everything they couldn't fit into their schedule in this last week. I'm glad it ends soon - maybe next semester will be better. I hope this doesn't give me an ulcer or something - that would take the cake.

I should probably go do something productive (though I'll probably end up reading again!)

Sea Out.