Friday, June 17, 2011

Pillow Project!

So, I've been doing a lot of little projects in between my chess blanket. Right now, it's in the form of pillows. These pillows like to have intricate designs though. I've got 2 fronts and one completed pillow so far. The first pillow I did was the flag of the Principality of Sealand (smallest nation in the world!)

The second was of the German Flag, which I made because that's where my mother is from and therefore, I have roots there. And my best friend is German. So, I had lots of reasons to do this one. It's not finished yet (sadsad! I really have to get to finishing it.)

The most recent one is this one! I nerded all over the place. Oh sweet Nostalgia ~ Yep, Pokemon. Omanyte. Fossils. Mmm~ ♥ Yeah, this one will probably be done before the German Flag pillow simply because it's more engaging. Its 6 different colours. I would definitely do it differently if I did it again, but I'm happy with it for now. ^^

Yay - look forward to more pillows! I'm excited to keep doing them :D

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