Sunday, May 22, 2011

Let's Play Chess!

So, I've been working on my Chess blanket. It's become the forefront of my projects and I've just passed the 25% mark, which is fantastic. i'll be invading the Netflix library for things to watch while I'm crocheting. Hopefully I can finish it before my summer break ends, since I really don't want to lug that big thing to class just to see if everything is consistent!

That shouldn't be hard though. I just have to do one square a day for the next 47 days (which is how many squares I have left) and I'll still have almost a month before classes start up again. That's actually pretty exciting, considering sometimes I can work up the brainpower to do more than one square in a day.

This is the newest square. Yep, I've gone to the opposite side of the blanket! Why? Because I have no idea how to do a Bishop that's the same color as the square it's on. Sad, I know, but it works, kinda.

I'm really looking forward to the completed blanket. It'll be pretty awesome, but I think I need more black yarn! Oh noes. Either way, I'll be going to the store in the next month sometime. If I do run out of black, I can just make the rest of the blank white panels.

On another note, I can't go to any Cons this year, so I'll be missing out. I still haven't been to my first con. ): Next year, I'm going to try though. I'll be attempted to get an Artist's Alley slot or slots, depending on how many I can go to. I'll be selling Mochi Hetalia Characters, Hats, Crocheted Keychains, and some other things. I'll update this blog and maybe my deviantart with more details on those! I'm getting my cosplay things ready for the Cons and I'll let you know who I decide I'll be for those.

There's more information on my Youtube!

That's all I really wanted to update. I'll see you guys later!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Work in Progress (Crafts!)

Portal, Companion Cube Blanket. This is the first square. It's being done in 6 pieces and will be about 7ft by 7ft in. I've been doing this one on and off since I got the yarn for it. I don't know how long it'll take, but it should be done before the year is out (here's to hope!).

A part of my Chess blanket. The row starting with the knight needs a pawn piece and then that row of eight will be done. This blanket is being done in 64 pieces and will be a bit bigger than 7ft by 7ft after the border is done.

 Russia Cosplay scarf. It's going to be around 20ft long and it's 1ft wide. This one is my newest project, but I'm making good time I think.
 Blanket. Another one. Granny squares this time, and yes, I do them completely out of order. The tails aren't woven in and I'm not sure if I want to make this a large blanket or keep in a baby blanket. Help?
A coat for my niece. It'll be button-down with a hood. I just haven't started the hood yet and I haven't finished the sleeve. It should be done soon, though, and it will definitely be done before winter. 

 The starts of a baby blanket. It'll be 3ft by 3ft, so it can be used for a while as the child grows.

Hats and Booties. These aren't done, I'm making a set with a jacket and everything. I just wanted to make the booties. xD; I dunno what I'll do with these yet.

Mr Saturn. He needs feet and two of his whiskers and his hair+bow.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Puppy Update and Current Project List

In a previous post, I told you about my two adorable puppies. Unfortunately, not everything has been a bed of roses lately. When I headed to the beach, the puppies were left with my mother. She called us on the way there and old us that Little Roxy had Parvo.

She's on heavy antibiotics right now and she's doing pretty well. Raleigh has to have more Parvo Boosters so she doesn't get it.

Otherwise, I've been working on a few things. I'll put pictures and sniplets up soon! List Time!

Current Projects (Writing):
• Hammers and Strings (Hetalia) - General Fanfiction, America & Canada Centric; Oneshot
• War and Balance (Hetalia) - Japan/Romano; Germany/Veneziano; Multi-Chapter

Current Projects (Craft):
• Hetalia Mochis: England, Japan,
• Chess Blanket
• Portal Blanket
• Baby Things: Coat, Blanket -- more stuff will be added later.
• Russia Scarf

I'll post pictures up soon of my various craft works in progress.